Thursday 15 June 2017

Twerking The Rules of Trends

You Want To Break Fashion Trends Rule?

Do This...

Do the opposite of what's in style. An easy way to tell when a trend has gone stale is how ubiquitous
it becomes. If you start to see a style that was once quirky and unique become mass-marketed, it's safe to say it's no longer trendy.
Now, this is your time crack up those trends. People will think its uncool, but hey! Who decides what’s cool?

Established yourself as a popular, fashion-conscious person, you may find yourself starting trends without realizing it. Just wear whatever you want and think looks nice. Your peers are likely to adopt aspects of your personal style to be more like you. If enough people follow suit, a new trend is born.

One popular strategy among fashionistas is to be a contrarian. Look at whatever trends are hot in the mainstream and craft a look around something completely different. More people will notice your look and are more likely to think of you as a fashion trendsetter instead of a follower.

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