Thursday 15 December 2016

Celebrity Fashion Slayers In Nigeria

This article shows five things every celebrity fashion slayers has done to look good.

1. Give a Damn.
It all starts here. If you don’t care how you look, you’re never going to look good. Every celebrity fashion slayer do care about their look. You can put on the best clothes in the world and you’ll still look like a kid dressing up for a school play. Attitude is everything, in style and in life. Consider who you are and what you represent. Your profession, business, family, and values.

2. Give Room to New things
The only way you’ll really learn is if you go out there and try new things. Celebrities are always ready to try something completely out of their comfort zone; many times you’ll end up loving something you never thought you would. If you make mistakes, life goes on. This is an important rule for anyone who wants to really understand his clothes.

3. Give Your Beards Due Attention
Celebrities are called fashion slayers because; they pay attention to the tiniest details before appearing on the spotlight. Even if your fashion is golden, an unkempt beard can be an attraction killer. Achieve a perfect shave by trying a shave brush your beards.

4. Give Attention to the Fashion ‘Why’
Fashion doesn’t have a lot of fixed yes-or-no rules. And the few that it does have can be broken stylishly and have been broken by celebrities. But you need to know what you’re doing, and why. Otherwise you just end up looking silly.

5. Buy the Best Quality You Can Afford

Celebrities treat clothing like an investment. Learn to do that.  Look for a good return on your money. It’s better to buy one item that lasts ten years than ten that last one. A serious wardrobe requires serious budgeting. You don’t have to be rich, you just have to be realistic.

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