Friday 16 December 2016

Fashion Tips to Improve Your Look

Realistically, if you aren’t drawing the kind of salary that would buy a bespoke suit, an exclusively designers shirts, a classic senator suit or a well-tailored native wear that is trending for men in Nigeria, you’re probably not working in an environment that expects them, either. It also does not mean you cannot look good or fashionable. Let’s find out how! 

Be Yourself
Not to get sappy, but this is the most important rule of all. This is where it all starts. If you don't feel comfortable in something, it will show, and you'll only look worse. By all means, push your boundaries, but always stay true to your tastes.

Be Bold and Be Yourself
Don’t be afraid to be yourself and be different; you need not to wear the trends, but you can be unique. There’s nothing wrong with standing out or being the best dressed man in the circle. Enjoy the attention. Turns out that most regular people assume a man in a sharp senator suit, an exclusive native wear or suit is someone important, and treats him accordingly
It takes getting used to. You may initially feel “overdressed” particularly when you’re the only man wearing an exclusive native wear or a suit as opposed to a shirt or tee shirt.
Learn to embrace it. People may treat you differently, but the differences will be overwhelmingly positive..

Your “Why” is Important
You need to know what you’re doing, and why. Otherwise you just end up looking silly.
Know your why. What is your reason for improving your look? Is it for Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook. Whatever your reason is has nothing to do with me but be sure it represent your values and who you are. It’s a good thing. It’ll open doors for you. But you do have to accept and embrace your new role as someone people look to as a leader, especially if you’ve never thought of yourself as one before.

Understand Clothing Fit
Fit is the most important feature in clothes. In your effort to optimally maximize your salary, and look your best. You need to take this rule personally.
Trust me; the most expensive suit in the world isn’t going to look good on you unless it fits your body right. If you don’t have the right fit, everything else is wasted effort.
A good fit should flatter your body. It will draw attention to the parts of you that you want to highlight and it can also minimize aspects you’re not very fond of. Take the time to get to know your body, and have a tailor help you get accurate measurements. Learn to say “no” to clothes with a style you like, but a fit that can’t be adjusted to suit you. It really does matter.

Buy Timeless Clothing
I like this fact “timeless style,” both in my personal life and for others.
Certain looks are always going to be dependable. That’s a goal worth striving for: having clothing that your grandchildren could wear fifty years from now without looking out of place.
I always urge men to focus on pieces that are both classic and associated specifically with men: suits, shirts, Native wears, senator suits, and trousers.
Keep your look timeless and classic, both for your sake and your budget’s.

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