Monday 24 April 2017


Social media has become a part of our globally connected world in multiple ways, and most recently the fashion industry is seeing a major shift in its inspiration for designs and trends, all thanks to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.

Fashion houses now use social media to engage with their fans, but it's in a very controlled way. Social media can also influence fashion designers in unique ways that are changing the way many fashion designers create their fashions.

Another major shift that social media has had is simply that the average person can now influence fashion in ways never before possible.

The naturally interactive qualities of social media also make social media an effective tool, allowing people to be a part of the process of fashion making.

Yet not all the big fashion houses have embraced social media due to concerns over the potential loss of control over their brand image.

So the point is, with social media it’s a brave new world for the fashion industry and retailers.

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