Thursday 6 April 2017

Why Clothing Fits Celebrities; Tailoring

For the last few decades, we have been trying to make our bodies fit the clothes when, in reality, we should be making the clothes fit our bodies.

The gentleman who is careful about clothing and style should also be in control of what looks good on him and his body’s proportions. 
However, nowadays a well-dressed man with a self-assured confidence is often rare. What is in store today for men’s clothing can only fit a small percentage of average sizes which means not a lot to choose from.

Tailored clothing is the way to go if you wish to obtain a perfectly fitted suit, nativewear or anything clothing. Tailoring is a simple way to make clothes way more flattering. Getting your go-to pieces tailored can make a world of difference. 

good tailor knows exactly how to fit everything from suit, shirts to nativewears exactly to your frame.
Most men typicality wear over sized clothes, not understanding the essential elements of a good fit or compromising fit for style. 

Learn to shop less, invest in pieces you really love, and cough up the extra cash to get them tailored specifically for you

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