Wednesday 5 April 2017

How Your Fashion Sense Affects Your Success

Whether you like it or not, your clothing communicates — and it can have a serious effect on your ability to achieve success.
Fair or not, people judge us by the way we look and that includes the way we dress.  Especially in the workplace, clothing significantly influences how others perceive you and how they respond toward you.c
Research shows that your appearance strongly influences other people's perception of your financial success, authority, trustworthiness, intelligence, and suitability for hire or promotion.
Here Are Tips To Keep A Sane Fashion Sense.
Don't show too much skin. That means no mini-skirts.
Never wear dirty clothes. This seems obvious  but plenty of people think they can get away with wearing that dirty shirt just one more time before washing it.
Don't wear wrinkled clothing. Heard of an iron? Use it.
Wear clothes that fit you well. Tailoring is a simple way to make clothes way more flattering. Tailor your clothes
Wear appropriate shoes and accessories. Don't wear jewelry that is too loud or obnoxious. Wear comfortable shoes that are appropriate for work.
Wear moderate makeup. If you wear makeup, don't overdo it! 

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