Wednesday 31 May 2017

Appearance is Often Louder...

Every day we pass by hundreds of people on the streets, never saying a word.  Yet despite the lack of verbal communication, unconsciously decisions are being made as to the trustworthiness and intentions of those around you. It may not sound fair and yeah right it’s not. But, you know what? Life is not fair.

We want to be given time to state our stand, who we are and show our integrity but we often do not get that, rather its first our physical appearance.

There are many things that we can’t control — the weather, the economy, our birth, our siblings or parents, but we sure can control some. Like our choice of food, the grade we finish with from school, the choice of clothes we wear and how we choose to present ourselves to strangers and new acquaintances. 

Dress like a thug and people treat you like one; dress like a professional and you’ll have doors opened for you.

First impressions are powerful because until we begin to speak, they are the only bits of information we have to make a snap decision as to whether we like or trust someone.
Ignore your wardrobe at your own risk.

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