Tuesday 2 May 2017

Be Fashionable Stay Fashionable

Being fashionable in any situation takes more than just putting on the right clothes, making sure your hair is in order and making your face look fresh. Every part of your outfit, including your nails and shoes, are important details. When your nails and shoes are tardy, it shows you as having lazy tendencies and are not putting your appearance in the forefront.

Looking fashionable has the potential to advance your career. An interviewer will know, within 10- seconds, if you could be the right person for the job. This opinion comes from your overall look


Improper attire and imperfect grooming leads to rejections while searching for a new position. Your credentials are important, but when you look the part, you are more likely to get the part.

You can still stay fashionable even when you need versatility in your wardrobe but your wallet is discouraging. Use a couple wardrobe tricks to minimize your spending. Your wardrobe should fit your lifestyle and have inclusions for every aspect of your life from shirts, pants, suits, to casual native wears and native senator wears

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