Tuesday 23 May 2017

Fashion Journal

Fashion Journal is one a great way of sharing your style and thoughts on fashion.  It is always a great idea to have a journal of your own which can act as a means to show your creativity and your interest in fashion.

In my thought, I would advise every fashion designer to have and keep fashion sketch book where they can make sketches quickly when ideas comes to mind. Fashion journal can be regarded as part of your fashion portfolio.  

Fashion journal is a documentation of thinking process of the fashion designer.  It demonstrates quick drawing skills, color, fabrics sensitivity etc.

If you aspire to become a great fashion designer in future, you will need to start now to keep a fashion sketch book or fashion journal, because any great fashion designer is expected to be a fashion trend setter.

Fashion trendsetters are people who can spot new trends early on and spread these fads to new locations and social groups. Sometimes they even create their own fashion trends for others to adopt. 

Fashion trends are the most common type people follow. And, a simple act of keeping a fashion sketch book or fashion journal can go a long way to setting you up as a fashion trendsetter. If you have a penchant for looking great and want to be ahead of the curve in fashion, you need your own fashion journal because inspiration comes anywhere and at any time.  

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