Wednesday 24 May 2017

How You Can Be A Fashion Trendsetter As A Fashion Designer

Trends are powerful demonstration of how social influence motivates people. People follow trends out of a desire to fit in. Trends are typically started by celebrities and superstars because on some level people think looking more like them will give them some of that prestige.

If you have a penchant for looking great and want to be ahead of the curve, you may want to become a trendsetter. Just how easy it is to be a fashion trend setter as a fashion designer!

Make a lot of friends. It will be easier to set trends if you have many friends who are popular and well-liked in their own right. This gives you more social capital and influence on the rest of your peer

Don't make friends with popular people just to be a trendsetter. Make sure your friendships are genuine.

Be charismatic. If you are confident and fun to be around, people will want to be more like you.
When people want to be more like you, it becomes easy for people to want to copy your every move, including your clothing.
Avoid being overly serious. This doesn't mean you have to the society clown. 

Be genuinely interested in People. Being kind and compassionate will go a long way. Express genuine interest in others. Doing this will make others feel good about themselves and they will attribute these good feelings to your presence.

Once you're known as a likeable person, others will want to be more like you. Without even noticing it, they may adopt some of your style.  In other words, they will follow the trends that you set.

Get noticed. You won't be able to set a trend if other people don't see and follow it. Start by trying to be more "seen." Make people notice you and cultivate a presence. Learn how to be the center of attention

If you want to start fashion trends, try to dress well in general. While positive attention is great, don't be too loud or obnoxious. Make your outgoing personality seem effortless.

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