Thursday 10 November 2016

How Dress Code affects Your Business Performance

First impressions and overall judgments about people are formed by the way they dress. It is important that your standard of dress creates a positive impression. It is true that professionalism varies by industries, yet the relationship between the variance is strongly interwoven.

You have to understand that no company standard of dressing is primarily designed for the employees; it is for the image of the business first. It is not the employees that pay the business; it’s the business that pays the employees.

When was the last time you saw a person in a suit struggling balance with a bus conductor or debating about any topic on the road?  When was the last time you saw a suited person sat beside a park bench eating gala and pure water?

How we dress influences how we act. Put on a sporty, and you are more likely to argue every topic on the road. Put on a posh suit,senator-native-wear or agbada, and you are more likely to walk upright and proud. You wouldn’t be caught wiping your nose on your sleeve, or dabbing crumbs from your mouth. You wouldn’t do it because of what you were wearing. Dressing affects how we act, talk, and even how we conduct ourselves around other people.

Even when your pocket is empty and you are wearing a nice tailored suit, it is difficult for people to call you poor, unattractive or unproductive.
Sequel to this, when people at your workplace are forced to wear suit, then people around them will start treating them differently too.

When you are dressed in proper business attire, it gives the message that you are dedicated to your position and it presents a visual image of your company.
It would be a shame to be overlooked for a promotion simply because of the way you dress. Regretfully , this actually does happen quite often.

It is most important to get attention for great work rather than gaining attention for wearing the latest fashion trend, and if you must; go for a more conservative look.

You don’t have to have all the money before you can look good, wear a suit or appear professional. If you able to get a Nigerian fashion designer or a Nigerian tailor for those of us in Nigeria, who has been known for nice work and excellent customer satisfaction, you can be sure to get a fitted posh suit with cashmere material or any nice material of your choice. You can also get corporate shirts, pants, or skirts from any good Nigerian fashion designer or Nigeriantailor.
I wouldn’t be wrong to say that, I prefer a tailored suit, Nigerian-made-suit to foreign one, because after I wore a suit made by a Nigerian fashion designer, I decided never to buy a foreign suit. Dr. Legend Clothing dazzled me.

However, if you are dressed for work, then you are more likely to work.

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