Thursday 17 November 2016

President Obama has got a Great Fashion Sense

President Obama, America out-going president, has in the last eight years proved to be one of the best fashionable presidents. His fashion sense is second to none in the list of the world presidents. 

He knows his size of suit and shirts. You cannot find President Obama in a suit that doesn’t fit. He is not in the list of men that never find a suit that fit and sure he doesn’t need a big suit to increase his size.

When in doubt of what to wear, follow President Obama’s all blue attire. A navy blue suit, pale blue shirt and complementary dark blue tie is the combination every man should imitate every once in a while. Not only is this a less harsh combination than a bright white shirt and light-sucking black suit (meaning you won’t look so pale and washed out if you’ve had a stressful few days), but it’s also far more approachable.
When you see Obama on his leisure time, you had sing “don’t you wish your daddy was fine like mine” He is no dick on his downtime. 

If a president like Obama can pay attention to what he wears, despite every other decision he has to make, then you are without an excuse. Even if you aren’t paying attention to your fashion look, you can be assured that everyone else is. Fashion is a giant part of our life and as the saying goes ‘people will stare, make it worth their eyes.

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