Wednesday 2 November 2016

Your Fashion Style is your perception

Why Clothes matter: What does your wardrobe say about you?

Clothing have not always been as influential a ‘tell’ of our personalities as they are today. We need to acknowledge the relevance of our choice of clothing irrespective of our gender. Whether male or female, our choice of clothing can affect our self-image, confidence, the impression we create of ourselves and in turn, the way people will accept and react towards us. Fashion sense and style can influence everything, from when we wake up from sleep to when we are out for that business deal or job interview.
When we put on an item of clothing it is common for the wearer to adopt the characteristics associated with that garment. A lot of clothing has symbolic meaning for us, whether it’s professional work attire like a suit, shirt etc. Relaxing weekend wear, like casual, jeans, t-shirt. Or a modern native wears (known as traditional wears).like native casual, senator native wear, or tropical. We have the normalcy to prime the brain to behave in ways consistent with the meaning or importance associated with these clothes.
Ultimately, what you wear could discern how confident you feel about yourself. So, I would not be wrong to say that you are what you dress.
Putting on different clothes creates different thoughts and mental processes. You feel very high and in love with yourself when you are dressed in some clothing.  You hardly see someone in suit fight on the road. This is because, it was found that wearing a suit, improves a person’s agility.
Scientists call this phenomenon “enclothed cognition”
If I’m in casual clothes I relax and can do anyhow, but if I dress up for a meeting or a special occasion, it can alter the way I walk and hold myself.”

So the next time you reach for those casual tops, for that suit ask or ferry red dress, ask yourself how will that clothing item make you feel and what is it saying to the world around you today?

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