Friday 18 November 2016

Muhammadu Buhari and his terrible fashion sense

President Muhammadu Buhari, Nigerian President has won the award for the ‘Traditional President Ever’. During his campaign, he was seen in a suit that actually fit and we all thought that to be the face of change. 

However, after he won the election, he has never worn a suit that actually fit, that is if he gets to wear a suit.

We know President Buhari is slim before we voted him, he need not to wear a suit bigger than him just to look bigger.

President Buhari, should imitate President Obama when he doesn’t know what to wear. A navy blue suit, pale blue shirt and complementary dark blue tie sometimes are the combination he should consider. Not only is this a less harsh combination than a bright white shirt and light-sucking black suit but it’s also more approachable.

Sometimes, I wonder what President Buhari would look like in his downtime or leisure moments, would he also be wearing his everyday native wear.

I totally agree that he is really hard-working person, yeah right; he’s got a lot on his desk as a president and may not give much thought to fashion. But even if he doesn’t, other people notice what he wears. Therefore, he needs to start paying attention to what he looks like when he leaves the house. He too can be fashionable, when he has the right attitude and the right information

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