Friday 10 March 2017


Decision fatigue is the result of making too many decisions during the course of the day, I guess, not many are familiar with the term but we all experience it all the time.  
Don’t  waste your brainpower in the morning trying to get dressed. Instead get rid of things you can’t or don’t wear regularly and simplify your wardrobe to pieces you like.
Keep your clothing simple, so you will have the energy to tackle life’s tougher problems." 

Spending too much time choosing your outfit can ruin the rest of your day, let me help you with this few dosage.

Not all hot clothings are wearable. Don’t go about buying the hottest clothing, the ‘in’ thing. The hottest clothing item isn't clothing.

We have a lot of media showing trendy pieces; magazines, articles, celebrities, social media etc. burbling about what is the ‘in’ thing and what is not. Don’t be deceived again! True personal style is that which looks great to the outside world but makes the wearer feel even greater inside.
If you are confident in your style, it will project beauty no matter what you're wearing

Regardless of what's trending at the moment, try to stay true to yourself. Know what you look good in and what you like and stick to that.

Buy high-end styles and treasure your wardrobe
Many people think they can't afford high-end style. But you'll get more value if you spend your money on one good investment piece that you'll use for years, like a classy native senator wear,a well fitted native wear  instead of wasting money on multiple pieces that aren't classic

Fashion rules exist for a reason
Your personal style should suit your lifestyle, mood, and resources but don’t feel like you have to break the rules to create a unique personal style. The classics are called 'classic' for good reason.

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