Friday 17 March 2017

Ironing is barbaric

You think Ironing is barbaric, that’s why you waste the good efforts of great fashion designers and tailors. If you are fashion challenged, you probably know that by now, the least you should do, is try to look presentable in your outfit. A boss says "if you don’t care enough to wear something presentably to work, you also don’t care about your job or care enough to retain your job.

Don’t be lazy to keep yourself buyable. Get an iron, a professional fashion designer, a good tailor, do your laundry by hand or make use of your washing machine. You will only be doing yourself a favor.

Some say’ good taste in clothes isn't just a guy’s strength. I boldly dismiss that notion because I have seen lots of guys who are emotionally attached to anything fashion, personal style, fashion trends,  and sense of good fabrics and outfits. These type of guys, I bet will do better in relationships. They will take care of babes in a more detailing way, because they care enough to look good.

Wrinkles that come from sitting at your desk all day can be excused, you could start your day off with a perfectly ironed white shirt or smart native wear and by the time it hits lunch hour, it’s as if you grabbed it straight out of the dryer and made no effort to iron it. We can understand that, even your conscience will ease you some stress, but wrinkles that come from your clothes being in a pile at the bottom of your closet all night are certainly not ACCEPTABLE.

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