Monday 20 March 2017

Fashion Forward!!!

Shiny suits or shirts can look loud and somehow cheap for men, quality men’s garments in lush fabrics, cashmere, linen or fine wool make much more ostentatious statement than a lot of glitter.

Ironing your clothes is key.  When you take a few minutes to iron your clothes, you will always be eager to step out and hit the town in style. Looking like you slept in your clothes isn't fashion forward. Your tailor will regret his effort, your fashion designer as well won’t be impressed, and neither will your date fall for it.

Go for quality over quantity. A well-made jacket or suit in a quality fabric may cost you quite a bit more than one that is cheaply made, but it will look better, fit better, and last longer than the inexpensive version.

It may seem superficial, but clothing makes a statement about who you are and where you want to go. Since people tend to judge us (consciously or not) at least in part based on how we look, why not look as if you’re ready for a promotion?

Dressing well, sometimes, doesn't necessarily mean wearing a suit and tie every day. Sometimes subtle details can make a distinct impression, especially on fashion-conscious folks.

When in doubt of what to wear, imitate your boss or leader not a runway model of magazine model.

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