Thursday 2 March 2017

Signs You’re Meant to Be a Fashion Designer

Skill can be acquired by anyone but there are people born to lead in different spheres of life. When you discover your place, you will not struggle to excel or to stand out from the crowd.

You know you're destined to be a fashion designer if you find yourself always doing most of the following;

If you see design in everything and you just can’t stop your mind from unearthing lessons, ideas, and solutions through the things you see and experience.

If you spent most of your childhood making clothes for your Barbie dolls instead of playing with your friends.

If you always catch yourself studying design in things other people don’t think is possible.
If you are a good student of fashion magazines instead of your school books.

If you probably ran a boutique out of your basement at age twelve. 

In other words: if you want to be the next Dr. LegendClothing, it helps to be completely and utterly obsessed with fashion. 

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