Wednesday 15 March 2017

Fashion Sense Vs Style Sense

Many mistake fashion sense for style sense. They’re not the same thing!
Don’t get it twisted, the two are intertwined. But simply being fashionable, doesn't necessarily mean you have a great style sense.
If you want to be a better dresser you should understand both the difference AND the relationship between the two.

Today you will learn both.

Style vs. Fashion: What’s the Difference?
You may not know it, but there’s actually a huge difference between being stylish and being fashionable.
Having a great style sense by definition implies that you show elegance, taste and refinement.
While fashion sense simply means that you’re following the latest trends and fashions.

See how they are totally different things?
Being stylish is about having enough taste that you can put a good outfit together. It is knowing what looks great on you.
Being fashionable is only about being up-to-date with the latest fashion trends
But it won’t make you look good unless you understand style first.

How Do They Relate to Each Other?
While being stylish and being fashionable shouldn't be confused as the same thing, you can certainly be both at the same time.

You can be BOTH stylish and fashionable, and you’ll look great.
You can also be stylish without being fashionable. You don’t need to follow fashion to create killer outfits. You can just stick to the classics and look great.
And you can also be fashionable without being stylish… BUT YOU SHOULDN'T!

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